29 October 2009

Loves and Hates of the Week to Date

Hola muchachas/muchachos and everyone still undecided,

Presenting to you Loves and Hates of the Week to Date!


- All the emails and comments I got about my Tuesday morning blogpost. Gracias! (Especially my mum and dad)
- The beautiful weather Taipei is flaunting this week.
- That I have proper calluses on my fingers now so that every time I play the guitar my fingers aren’t paralysed for a week after.
- Birthday broccoli.
- My landlady who sees no sense of urgency when it comes to floods. How would she handle other disasters in her house?
- The fact I left the stove on the kettle for a whole afternoon on Monday and my apartment didn’t burn to the ground.
- Franklin and Roosevelt, the rescued turtles living on my rooftop. You guys are so cute and cool. - The restaurant woman for putting a bit of beef in my vegetarian soup. “It’s OK for vegetarians to eat a bit of meat.” I must have accidentally given her power-of-attorney over my vegetarian diet. My bad.
- That time I sprayed water out of my nose in the office kitchen. Classy. Graceful. Professional. All at the same time!


- The wild sex parties that the local stray cats are having every night in my lane. Waking up to cat mating calls every night is not ideal.
- My neighbors, I haven’t seen them for ages, I’m not even sure if they still live in the building, but it’s still an ongoing feeling.
- The fact that everywhere I go people tell me that my black toenail looks dirty.
- That I’ve gradually turned my whole wardrobe pink by repeatedly putting the same red shirt in with all my lights and whites.
- People shouting, “Hello, how are you?” off their motorcycles when I walk to work. This place is teeming in foreigners, I can’t believe the novelty hasn’t worn off yet.
- The fact I have the messiest desk in my entire company.
- My brain.

That just about concludes it for this week! Stay tuned for my new format. I’ll be kickin’ off tomorrow with my first edition of Stop Press! I’ll be reviewing an issue from either the local media or the international media depending on what happens in the next 24 hours.

Adios amigas/amigos and those sitting on the fence.


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