27 November 2009

Maintenance Problems


Been a while! I'm not gonna lie about that! So the site has been playing up for a while and I haven't been able to access it to update it. I said I'd turned over a new leaf, and I really had. All gung-ho about updating everyday and then suddenly the site collapsed. Then when it was finally up and running, I forgot my password so I couldn't log in. Once I remembered my password, I raced home to update the blog and just as I sat down to write my latest update, a Russian spy plane crashed through my apartment window and smashed my mac. THANKFULLY no one was hurt. And nothing was damaged in my place except for the computer.

Are you a simple white liar or a dramatic, over-compensating, ridiculous one? I'm the latter unfortunately. The weird thing about my kind is that we know that we should stick to simple stories, but we can't help it. The minute we're faced with the prospect of telling a white lie, we go for it. I can't take the morning off work because I just have a cold. It always turns out a little something like this:

*Sick voice, no sorry, dying voice. Ok more like a whimper with moans intermittently dispersed*

"Hi, it's me. I'm really, really, really, really sorry, I can't come in today. I mean I can barely breathe let alone leave the house. I went to bed early last night. Actually it was more like the afternoon. I went to bed as soon as I got home at 5:30pm. I slept through until 12:20am when I woke up with a fever of 58C. I was so sick I couldn't go to the hospital. My friend rang the hospital and they said I was so hot that I should definitely not go to the hospital because my body heat might burn the place down." *cough, cough, cough to the point of wretching*

"So anyway, I tried to go back to sleep, but I was washed out of the bed with the tide caused by my waves of sweat. I passed out and woke up 3 hours later, covered in blood from where a bobcat broke into my apartment and maimed me while I was in my vulnerable, unconscious state. I crawled around for half an hour looking for my left hand, before I finally ended up passing out on the couch. I woke up this morning and I feel a lot better, but unfortunately I'm too tired to come into work."

"Ok. You rest up and feel better tomorrow. And there are no bobcats in Taipei. So I don't know what it was that attacked you.

"Thanks a lot. I'll look into that. I'll see you tomorrow."

I was too busy to write my blog ;)


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