17 April 2009

Time Out

Wooooaaaahhhhhhh!!!! Been a long time between blogs. It's not that my blog-steria has already dwindled. It's more that between updating my Facebooking and Tweeting my Twatter or whatever, I've hardly had time for work let alone blogs. I'm trying to maintain that I haven't been sucked into the vortex that is cyber space, but I don't know if I believe it myself anymore. 

000100010011111001010000010101010111000101001010111100010101001111000001101001000001010010010. Whoops, there I go again. Writing in binary code. Trust me, that's not half as bad as speaking in binary code...particularly when you're supposed to be lecturing a group of year 12 students about the virtues of being an ancient Egyptian pharaoh. It's bad enough that I'm supposed to be teaching a group of native Chinese speaking teenagers about Social Studies in English, but then when I crack out the binary code...you can imagine the results. 

It's amazing how quickly one slinks into the bowels of computer-geekdom. One day I was an average Australian lady doing her thing, the next thing I know, I'm asking students why they need to see the school nurse by saying things like, "what is it? Do you have a problem with your mainframe?"

Anyway, this is proving to be almost a full time job now. Luckily I'm not actually too worried about people reading any of this. I'm quite content for cyberspace to suck it up and dispose of it accordingly. I suppose my impending fluency in binary code talk might even come in handy one day. 

Student's homework task: Write a sentence for each new vocabulary word. 
Student's homework quote of the week (for the word 'boss'): My boss tried to take some the pressure off me, HOLY SHIT! 
Homework grade: A+ - grammar could use a little work, but she's proving wise beyond her years. 

Don't forget: Oprah has the answers and he who laughs last...looks like a tool. 

Good day! x 


  1. Funny, um but I do have a question - I was an average Australian lady doing her thing - you have never been average at anything and this post proves it. Brilliant and clever!! And I am now a Twit myself, twittering all over the place. I guess I will be over it in a week or so and move onto something else. Oprah just started twittering, imagine the wisdom she will impart! Keep up the blog posts when you can!

  2. Thanks Lilly ;)

    Yes I need to hunt Oprah down on Twitter. What a legend! I think I've already lost the will to continue with Twitter!
